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Build impactful brand activations: Influence your audience with real-world Native Ads

Our daily routines can sometimes feel set in stone, until a pop-up appears, sparking our curiosity. 🔦This is the power when a relevant promotion shows up in an unexpected place that makes sense. 🆕❗

This kind of “native Ad” experience is everywhere in our real world from limited / seasonal offers, red sale pricing tag in retail shop, in-gym stickers and screens, pop-ups in shopping malls…etc. These kind of Ads break our usual habitual patterns, yet fit right into our in-moment behaviour and mind frame.🙌🏽

They bring refreshing colour to mundane routine to grab our attention, and subtly brainwash 🧠 and influence us without an intrusive feeling. 🧲 And, this is the reasons why brands invest into pop up events, in-gym media, and other vertical retail media. ↕️

With well-defined target audiences, high TA visitation frequency, and specific scenarios like doing sports and grocery shopping, brands can build up strong “emotional” exposure with targeted messages and promotion to influence TAs behaviour is their last mile journey. 💪🏻



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